Disclosure: This post is NOT sponsored; I just really love my Happy Planner! As a busy work-at-home Mom, I have a lot of flexibility, but I also sometimes find it hard to focus. I'm pretty good at keeping home and business events scheduled in my digital calendar, but late last year I realized that just wasn't cutting it. For some reason, I was … [Read more...]
Today Was A Good Day
Most days I feel like a hamster on its wheel, running around in circles, crossing daily tasks from my to-do list and wondering when the hell I’m going to get off. Almost every day I struggle with balance and doubt the sanity of my decisions… Is working from home really a good idea? Do I spend enough quality time with my kids? Do I play with them … [Read more...]
I’m a newbie…
...blogger, that is. See, I've just had baby #2 and am now at home full-time. I am in the midst of starting my own business and, since I'm not getting my usual daily dose of adult interaction anymore, I wanted another outlet for expressing myself (all you SAHMs and WAHMs know what I mean!). So, here's a little bit about me... First … [Read more...]