Every family has mealtime favourites, and mine is no different. My kids, for instance, love tacos and request them for "Taco Tuesday" every week. (Can you tell they love The Lego Movie?) We also eat a lot of spaghetti and meatballs because it's quick, healthy and I always have the ingredients on hand. While I do make meals that are out of … [Read more...]
Everyday Savings with #TargetREDcardCA
When it comes to shopping, there's nothing better than getting a great deal on an item I love. And, while I occasionally use coupons, I'm more of a loyalty card kinda girl. To me, it's easier toting around a card than hunting down coupons and remembering to bring along the appropriate ones for each store. And, while I love shopping at Target, … [Read more...]
Earning #PCPlus Points at No Frills…Because You Can’t Beat FREE!
Have you ever heard the saying, "You can't get something for nothing"?Well, luckily that's not true... because when it comes to grocery shopping, that's exactly what I do. I've shopped at the Loblaws family of grocery stores for years. Their unique products (many from the President's Choice line), as well as the shopping experience, … [Read more...]
Save Money {+ Your Sanity!} With Save.ca
If there's something I love, it's a good deal - especially at (ever-so-expensive) back-to-school time. But as a work-at-home-Mom, it's nearly impossible to find time to sift through flyers and websites for the best deals on everything I need. So when I found out that the newly updated save.ca site offers not only a round-up of the week's … [Read more...]