Every family has mealtime favourites, and mine is no different. My kids, for instance, love tacos and request them for "Taco Tuesday" every week. (Can you tell they love The Lego Movie?) We also eat a lot of spaghetti and meatballs because it's quick, healthy and I always have the ingredients on hand. While I do make meals that are out of … [Read more...]
Easy Fall Meals with #PCPlus
Now that the cooler weather has come to stay and it's officially autumn, I'm starting to crave comfort food. I love making stews, casseroles and homemade soups for my family... meals that are hearty, yet easy to make - and easy on the wallet. So, on my latest trip to the grocery store, I looked for fall staples and was pleased to find that my … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving Desserts Made Easy with #PCPlus Points
Thanksgiving is one of my favourite times of the year - the crisp fall air, the yummy food and spending time with family are all things I'm grateful for. And, since I rarely have to cook (thank you to my mother-in-law and sister for that!), I contribute to the meal in my own, special way... dessert. I get giddy just *thinking* of what dessert … [Read more...]
Earning #PCPlus Points at No Frills…Because You Can’t Beat FREE!
Have you ever heard the saying, "You can't get something for nothing"?Well, luckily that's not true... because when it comes to grocery shopping, that's exactly what I do. I've shopped at the Loblaws family of grocery stores for years. Their unique products (many from the President's Choice line), as well as the shopping experience, … [Read more...]