If you’re a parent, you know how precious (and rare) date nights with your spouse can be. The last date my husband and I went on was in November… we even took a snapshot of us at the restaurant and captioned it with “Date Night 2012″! So, I was happy to break that dry spell with an outing to see an advance screening of The Lone Ranger on … [Read more...]
My run-in with James Cunningham from Eat Street (and eating lots of cake!)
Me and James Cunningham Earlier this month, I went to The Cookbook Store's 30th Anniversary party on behalf of my blogger friend Serena from Bewildered Bug. It was SUCH a tough job... I mean, sampling a million different kinds of cake, checking out some of the best cookbooks from around the world and meeting James Cunningham from Eat St. (LOVE … [Read more...]