I was so proud when I learned my son made his select hockey team… not because I know much about hockey (or being on a ‘select’ team), but because of how happy it made him. The kid really loves to play.
As a little background, I have no clue what I’m doing.
No clue. At. All.
I don’t know in what order the hockey gear goes on and I suck at tying skates (don’t get me started on that one!). But one thing I do know is that I’m going to try… I’m going to give it my all because, damn it, it makes my kid happy!
Tonight was his first select team practice and, while I’ve been to a few of his house league games, my hubby was always the one who ‘did the hockey’. Now that he has weekday practices and games, hockey is part of my (new) world for the foreseeable future. So, in case you’re a newbie like me, I’ve got a few tips to share.
A few things I’ve learned during my first night as an official hockey mom…
1. Don’t forget a coat, because the rink is cold AF (the sweatshirt I brought was definitely not warm enough!)
2. Think BIG! The rinky-dink purse I brought tonight did *not* cut it. A big-ass tote bag is required for hockey season.
3. No favourite scarves! Wearing my beautiful Lilly scarves is out of the question; they get caught on all the equipment… metal face mask, velcro everything. #cryinginside
4. Remember the water bottle! Remind my kid to bring a bottle of Bio-Steel, or else I’ll have to shell out $3 for Gatorade (see #2; bring it in the tote!)
5. Bring an Extra! Always keep a hockey stick in the car… ’nuff said. (You can probably guess what happened tonight… 😭)
All you hockey parents out there – do you have anything to add to this list? I sure could use your help, and any advice is welcome.
Happy hockey season, y’all!! 🏒