My cell phone is my personal and work lifeline, connecting me to family and clients via email and shared calendars, as well as a myriad of to-do lists. And when it comes to daily purchases and responsible budgeting, my debit card is my financial lifeline. (It’s quite embarrassing how rarely I carry cash!)
I’ve always been an early adopter of technology – I’m all for anything that can make my life easier, including my beloved debit card. My very first one was actually called a “convenience card” – how apropos! Surprisingly, though, I seemed to hit a mental roadblock when debit card tapping, for small purchases, was introduced. I just couldn’t bring myself to use it… it somehow seemed less safe than using my PIN.
That is, until I learned the facts about Interac Flash.
First off, it uses the same secure chip processing as Interac Debit, making it one of the safest ways to pay. The chip has built-in features that protect against skimming, counterfeiting, certain types of transaction fraud and “electronic pick-pocketing”.
And because all Interac Flash transactions have to be real-time and online (offline transactions are not possible), my bank sees every single one, so fraud is decreased dramatically. This is a big one for me, because I can’t afford to have my card out of commission.
Want more info? Click the image to view the full-size infographic. |
It’s good to know, too, that each transaction cannot exceed $100, so I won’t worry that a lost card could be used for large purchases. When using it for a bunch of small purchases, the cumulative limit is usually around $200. Once the limits are reached, I have to enter my PIN again. This acts as a sort of “reset” for the card. Smart, eh?
If I had any other worries, they disappeared when I found out I’m protected from unauthorized transactions under the Interac Zero Liability Policy, too. Now I can truly say I have no qualms about tapping my card.
With life moving as fast as it does, I’m glad that I can pay in a flash!