Boy, was I right! Her face lights up when Chirp is delivered. What kid doesn’t love getting mail? It’s like two gifts in one – every month!!
As soon as it arrives, she squirrels it away until bedtime, so that we can cozy in and savour each page. It’s such a special time that we spend together…I honestly think I enjoy it as much as she does.
From the fun (and educational) animal facts, to the cute cartoons, stories and crafts,
there’s something for everyone. I love that Chirp gets my daughter – and kids all across Canada – excited about learning. In fact, Chirp has been igniting children’s natural curiosity for 15 years!
In honour of their birthday Chirp has created the happiest issues ever and are inviting pre-schoolers and families to join in on the fun!
Here’s your chance to help celebrate Chirp’s birthday!! Children from the ages 2 to 6 can enter the Chirp Birthday contest by submitting a drawing of Chirp at a birthday party (until October 31, 2012). One grand prize winner will receive a prize pack and loot bags for 15 friends. To view the entry form, along with all the contest information, click here.
And, don’t forget to check out Chirp, and its sister publications Owl and Chickadee at, where you’ll find great games, jokes, puzzles and fun activities for your child(ren) to explore!
We love these magazines!