There’s something I’ve been meaning to do, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. I know I’ll probably kick myself 6 months down the road (when it will be harder to explain to a 2 year old why he can’t have “milkie”), but it’s like an addiction and I can’t stop myself.
My toddler is 18 months old and still hooked on nursing. I haven’t even taken the first steps towards weaning him.
The funny thing is, I don’t want to. I mean, I do (in some ways) but, for the most part, the time he spends nursing is so precious to me that some days I feel like I never want it to end. At a time when most toddlers are running around, becoming more and more independent (which, most of the time, mine is doing too), I’m blessed to still get a few special moments each day when all is quiet, it’s just me and him, and all is right with the world. He’ll sleepily reach for my finger, cradle it in his tiny hand and make the sweetest cooing sounds, a sure sign that he’s almost in dream land.
Breastfeeding is one of those things you just don’t know if you’ll like or if it will work for you, but when it does, it’s the greatest gift. I’m grateful to have been able to nurse both my kids. It is one of the most fulfilling experiences for me and I really don’t want it to end. Of course, I know it won’t last forever, but until then, I’ll enjoy my quiet moments with my son and cherish each and every one.
*Note: The World Health Organization recommends (if possible) exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and continued breastfeeding, along with complementary foods, to 2 years of age (and beyond).
Vanessa says
You are not alone on this Mama! My almost 19 month old is still nursing. I treasure those quiet moments as we connect. Some times he wants to nurse for comfort and its a brief hiya Mom and some times its "I'm so tired put me so sleep" its all wonderful!
Multi-Testing Mommy says
Oh my goodness….I miss nursing my kiddies!
I nursed my daughter until she was 15 months old at which point she pretty much self weaned, I was sad but I knew that there would hopefully be second opportunity.
With my son, I nursed him until he was 18 months old when he had some intestinal issues and doc said it was the breastmilk – I now know he didn't know what he was talking about 🙁 and I probably didn't have to wean him.
I miss that closeness – although I do have to say I still have a great bond with my kiddies which I feel so fortunate for.
Batya says
What do you mean by "first steps towards weaning him?" He should be eating some solids at this point. Final weaning can take much longer, but it's important to develop other aspects to your relationship, not just your breast.
Fab Frugal Mama says
@Vanessa @Multi-Testing Mommy – thanks for the comments!
@Batya – I meant that I haven't started to decrease the number of times I nurse him each day. He still nurses around sleep time and in the morning… or whenever he needs comfort (so, kinda on demand! LOL) And, don't worry…he's on solids – started at 6.5 months. 🙂