If you’re anything like me, your diaper bag is a MESS… not simply a cluttered bag, but a total and complete black hole. (And, with two kids, it only gets worse!) I almost resigned myself to the fact that it would always be that way – until I remembered a great tip from a mama friend of mine.
She swore by using mini-organizers inside the diaper bag – but not just any old organizers. She reused Robeez booties packages! ( I just LOVE Robeez, don’t you? Too cute – and good quality too!) They aren’t recyclable, so instead of sending them to the landfill, you might as well get some use out of them. They’re pretty sturdy and have thick rope handles, so you can grab one out of your diaper bag in a pinch. Take it one step further, by adding some great (Oliver’s) labels to the bags to differentiate between your kids’ stuff (extra change of clothes, pacifiers, hair clips, etc.), and you’re almost a pro!
She swore by using mini-organizers inside the diaper bag – but not just any old organizers. She reused Robeez booties packages! ( I just LOVE Robeez, don’t you? Too cute – and good quality too!) They aren’t recyclable, so instead of sending them to the landfill, you might as well get some use out of them. They’re pretty sturdy and have thick rope handles, so you can grab one out of your diaper bag in a pinch. Take it one step further, by adding some great (Oliver’s) labels to the bags to differentiate between your kids’ stuff (extra change of clothes, pacifiers, hair clips, etc.), and you’re almost a pro!
Happy organizing! I’m off to tackle my diaper bag now… 🙂